Культура пам’яті в потрактуванні минулого: досвід Німеччини та Польщі.


  • Serhii Troian Національний авіаційний університет

Ключові слова:

memory, collective memory, memory culture, Polish-German relations, historical politics


The culture of memory is education in the spirit of respect for history, the social past, understanding of the tragic pages of history, the importance of preserving and maintaining «places of memory». According to the type of culture of memory, Germany belongs to states and societies with «short» memory, and Poland – with «long» memory. Historical politics of Germany and Poland are distinguished by different time horizons and different forming mechanisms. The extent to which professional historians are involved in solving problems of memory differs significantly (in Germany it is much higher than in Poland). The level of political correctness within the boundaries of German historical policy is higher than in the Polish one. But the history of German-Polish relations of recent decades is the proof that all this is not an obstacle to the formation of consensus on key issues without sacrificing historical truth.

Біографія автора

Serhii Troian, Національний авіаційний університет

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Історична пам’ять на пострадянському просторі та в країнах Центральної Європи